Head of hairdressing salon
This is a wonderful opportunity for a creative, motivated, hard-working and career-oriented individual to be part of a team of luxury hotel professionals in a foreign country.
A specialist in hair care, the hairdresser has a technical job (cutting, brushing, perm, postiche installation…) that requires taste and a certain artistic sense. Stylist make-up artist, the hairdresser can advise a haircut to a client taking into account his desires, his personality and the morphology of his face. He also knows how to direct it towards a color or, on the contrary, deter it. Creative, the hairdresser is no less commercial. He is friendly, available and attentive so that the customer leaves happy.
- General: offer a kind welcome to its customers, listen to the customer to identify his desires, be force of proposal in terms of hairstyle, proceed to cash in the client, manage the hair salon, negotiate with suppliers.
- Technical skill:
- French expression and openness to the world, physic and chemistry ,setup of electrical appliances
- Applied biology: organization and functioning of the human body,
- bio-contaminations and antimicrobial control
- technologies and methods, diagnosis and advice (observation and assessment): hygiene and hair care, cutting, coloring and discoloration, styling
- Maintenance of the hair-facial system
- Accounting/management: creation, buy-out or operation of an existing Craft show, management of a company, accounting and management, management of staff, sales advice
- Colourimetry: a reminder of the basics and work on a colour chart: identification and choice of colours – colour and wicks: the application of colour and strands on a living model
- Cuts:
- men’s cut: cutting techniques with the use of different tools (scissors, feather, and razor)
- women’s cut: making classic cuts and new cutting trends, temporary shaping, permanent shaping,
- Innovation and make-up: skill of the most innovative techniques
- sculpture of hair, shapes and volumes
- Make up and morphology: how to highlight a face, how to analyze a face, morpho hairstyle proportions, recognize the different forms of faces, analyze the style of his client, understand the desires of his client, harmony the shape of the hairstyle according to the morphology of the face.
Specific experiences
– Minimum 5 years of professional experience in the Craft (apart from apprenticeship),
– Being a competition finalist or having a title of excellence is considered an asset
– Successful experience in team management
Diploma and specific knowledge required
– Diploma required: CAP hairdressing, CAP wig-postiche, Professional hairdressing certificate, Bac Pro wig maker-postiche, Master’s degree hairdresser. These trainings will all need to be supported by several years of professional experience before you can access the responsibilities of reception manager; years of experience crucial for this profession.
– Except for French-speaking countries, he will have to be able to express himself in English – it is a question of knowing how to communicate with his team.
Compensation varies depending on the position, the candidate’s profile and the country. In the luxury hotel industry for a position abroad, depending on the hotel and the position, the remuneration includes a package that completes the employee’s net salary. The package includes at least one round trip to France per year and accommodation. Other benefits may be negotiated based on the position and the candidate’s qualification level.
Social security for expats
As far as social coverage is concerned, France is very well endowed internationally thanks to the Caisse des Français à l’Etranger (www.cfe.fr). By enrolling in the CFE, the expatriate and his family can benefit from the continuity of rights (health, retirement) that he can complete with a mutual like April International https://fr.april-international.com/fr used by a very large number of expatriates.
SAF’s role: more than connecting with the customer
SAF searches within its network of companies (the Customer), then searches and evaluates the SAF searches within its network of companies (the Customer), then searches and evaluates the candidates’ profiles in relation to the customer’s request. SERVICE A THE FRANCAISE develops an image of excellence internationally. Concerned about the quality of the candidates transmitted, the technical assessment of the candidates is done by the members of the technical assessors panel composed of the “Meilleurs Ouvriers de France”. Once the evaluation and internal selection of the candidate is done by SAF, the selected profiles are sent to the client who finalizes the recruitment by a remote interview (telephone or video conference). Once the selection has been made by the Client, the client is fully responsible for mobilizing the selected candidate and signing the contract. SAF will always advise the candidate throughout the evaluation process until the client is signed.
Interested in this offer?
Apply by email by filling out our application form, do not forget to specify the reference of the offer (SAFHOTEL18)
Apply- Offer reference: SAFHOTEL18
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